The little old lady assured her that there was nothing in the box that would harm her. 老太太保证里面没有对她有害的东西。
The little old lady went home, picked up her cat and brought it back to the store, and they sold her the cat food. 老太太只好回家去把自己的猫抱来,售货员这才把猫食卖给她。
A little old lady goes to the doctor 一个小老太太去看医生
The first day of school our professor introduced a little old lady to us. 开学第一天,教授把一位小个子老太太介绍给了我们。
And this little old lady raised her hand and asked, Is this where the bingo game is? 有一位瘦小的老太太举起了手,问道:宾果游戏是在这里吗?
There was a little old lady who was nearly blind, and she had three sons who wanted to prove which one was the best to her. 从前有一个近乎失明的小老太,她有三个儿子,每一个都想向母亲证明自己对她最好。
When a little old lady came and spoke to her. 这时,一位小个子的老太太走进来,与她交谈了起来。
I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being. 我转过身一看,一位满脸皱纹个子矮小的老太太正冲着我微笑。这微笑使她浑身光彩照人。
That warm feeling inside of you is due to what you have done for the little old lady and her boy. 你心中的那股暖流乃因你对小老太婆及小男孩的作为所致。
This little old lady just won both showcases. 这个老婆婆连赢了两次。
The little old lady was busy sewing the gowns for the Queen. 小老太婆正忙着为皇后缝制礼服。
The little old lady went too far. 这位小个子老太太走得太远了。
You're like a little old lady! 你挺像个老太婆的!
You had to shtupp every little old lady in new york. 你得摆平全纽约的老富婆。
The little old lady sat comfortably relaxed. 这位小老太太舒舒服服地,满不在乎地坐着。
Is it the sweet, little old lady or the school bully? 是那个亲切、娇小的老妇人还是学校里的流氓?
A little old lady helped me find my way. 有位可敬的老太太帮我找到路了。
A little old lady who collects cats and coins. 一个养猫和收集硬币的小老太。
The little old lady has been replaced by fiber cable and semiconductor chips. 今天,媒婆的角色已被光缆与半导体芯片取代。
A little old lady answered a knock on the door one day, only to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying a vacuum cleaner. 某一天一个有点老的女人听到敲门声,却发现一个穿着整齐的男人拿着一个清洁器。
On and on he flew until he finally came to the little old lady's house on the other side of the river. 他飞呀飞的,终于来到了河对岸小老太婆的那幢屋子。
Finally, everyone had gotten off except for this little old lady walking with a cane. 最后,乘客都下光了,除了一位拄着拐杖的矮个子老太太。
The role of a disarming little old lady playing a spy was acted with unexpected shrewdness by Whitty but it was Hitchcock who really brought this veteran actress out of her comfortable cocoon. 蕙蒂突破性的敏捷表演方式,演出没带武器、娇小的老妇担任间谍工作,希区考克真得让这位资深女演员突破旧有窠臼。
A little old lady went// into// the Bank of Canada one day, carrying a bag of money. 一个干瘪瘦小的老太太提着一大袋钱走进加拿大国家银行,坚持要银行的总裁亲自为她开一个银行帐户。
If it's the little old lady, the two frames of reference remain juxtaposed. 如果是娇小的老妇人,两个参照系仍然是并列的,我们会倾向于同情她;
Girl: You wouldn't dare ask a little old lady to make her own bed. 小女孩:你就不敢让一个小老太太铺床了。
The little old lady seemed unabashed. 那个矮小的老妇似乎并不怕羞。
I got into a little situation with the old lady. 我和那个老女人出了点状况。
The little old lady then said," Okay, but since there is a lot of money involved, may I bring my lawyer with me tomorrow at10:00 am as a witness?" 但是赌注可不是一笔小数目,明天我能带我的律师到这儿来作证吗?”“可以!”
The little old lady peered closely at his balls and then asked if she could feel them. 小老太太靠近他,仔细看着他的眼球,然后问总裁她是否可以摸摸眼球。